Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System (TLE) and TLE Commission Overview

Oklahoma state law (70 O.S. § 6-101.16) established the Oklahoma TLE, a new evaluation system for teachers and leaders designed to encourage continuous professional growth leading toward improved student achievement for all Oklahoma children. The law requires that the new system be comprised of multiple measures of teacher and administrator effectiveness:
• 50% Qualitative Measures (observable characteristics of teacher and leader performance that are correlated to student achievement)
• 35% Quantitative Measures of Student Academic Growth
• 15% Quantitative Measures of Other Academic Factors

The TLE Commission is requesting public comment on their first set of preliminary recommendations (September 12, 2011). Additional preliminary recommendations will be made available in coming weeks for public comment. Final recommendations of the TLE Commission will be submitted to the Oklahoma State Board of Education prior to December 15, 2011, based on feedback received from a wide representation of stakeholders, including teachers, administrators, students, parents, community members, and policymakers.