Lube Cleanser Product Review

Safely remove silicone lube, and bacteria from skin, toys, furniture, floors, and bedding. Makes your private parts look younger, clearer, and fresh. Washing with our cleanser can help maintain your intimate health. Lube Cleanser hydrates your skin, bringing back the youthful, glowing, and plump private parts you’ve been missing.

Question Title

* 1. How would you rate the feeling of the Lube Cleanser on your skin?

Disliked it Loved it

Question Title

* 2. How likely are you to recommend the Lube Cleanser to a friend, family member, or sexual partner?

Not likely at all Extremely likely

Question Title

* 3. How would you describe your skin's condition after using the Lube Cleanser?

Irritated Comfortable

Question Title

* 4. How easy was it to use the Lube Cleanser?

Very Difficult Very Easy

Question Title

* 5. How well did the Lube Cleanser remove various types of lubes from your skin, including silicone-based lube, helping prevent future skin irritations?

Not effective at all Extremely effective

Question Title

* 6. What is the first word that comes to mind when you think about using the Lube Cleanser?

Question Title

* 7. What would make you more likely to use our new product?