Wicklow County Council is seeking your input to help shape the new Biodiversity Action Plan. The survey aims to gather your views on the key issues, opportunities, and actions for biodiversity in Wicklow. Your responses will inform the development of the plan, which will outline a strategy to protect and enhance nature in the county over the next five years.

Completion of this survey is an official submission as part of the pre-draft consultation process. Thank you for your contribution!

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* 1. Name

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* 3. Community Group/ Organisation (if applicable)

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* 4. Would you like to be included in the Wicklow Biodiversity Mailing List to receive updates on the plan, relevant news, and events?

Question Title

* 5. Age Category

‘Nature’, ‘biodiversity’, ‘ecosystems’ and our ‘natural heritage’ terms are different terms to describe the same thing. They encompass all life on earth and systems and processes that support them, from the tiniest microbe to the largest weather system.

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* 6. When you think of Wicklow’s biodiversity, or nature in Wicklow, what do think are its most important features? This can be species, habitats, or systems.

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* 7. How important is Wicklow County Council in terms of delivering for biodiversity?

Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
Extremely Important

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* 8. Are you or your group currently involved in any biodiversity actions or projects?

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* 9. What broad areas should Wicklow County Council prioritise to enhance biodiversity in Wicklow?

Please select level of importance for each theme:

  Not at all important Somewhat important Important Very Important Extremely important
Restoring habitats and species (e.g. species protection, restoration of peatlands, native woodlands)
Increasing connectivity for wildlife (e.g. ecological networks, wildlife corridors, linking habitats across landscapes)
Reducing negative impacts from development (e.g. sustainable planning, green infrastructure)
Ensuring recreational and tourism pressures are managed (e.g. sustainable tourism practices, visitor education)
Supporting climate resilience in ecosystems (e.g. coastal protection, tree planting)
Improving water quality and managing rivers and wetlands (e.g. fish barrier removal, wetland restoration)
Community engagement and awareness (e.g. citizen science, biodiversity education in schools)
Managing threats to biodiversity (e.g., controlling invasive species, wildlife protection, pollution control)

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* 10. What do you believe are the biggest threats to nature in Wicklow?

Rank these from 1 (biggest threat) to 10 (least concerning).

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* 11. What actions can Wicklow County Council take on public lands to support biodiversity?

Please indicate if the following actions are important and feel free to add your own.

  Not at all important Somewhat important Important Very Important Extremely important
Managing public lands in a pollinator friendly way
Manging water for floods, droughts and to reduce erosion
Improving management of hedgerows along public roads
Creating new wildlife habitats (e.g. wetlands, ponds, woodlands, meadows)
Restoring damaged habitats such as peatlands and coastal areas
Removing invasive species from public green spaces

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* 12. How can Wicklow County Council support individuals and community groups interested in taking action for biodiversity?

Please indicate if the following actions are important and feel free to add your own.

  Not at all important Somewhat important Important Very Important Extremely important
Hosting talks, workshops and training
Providing support to develop plans and funding proposals
Creating written guidance, resources and plan templates
Supporting networking and knowledge exchange opportunities
Providing follow-up support on specific actions
Providing funding for community biodiversity projects

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* 13. Would you be interested in taking part in biodiversity-related training or workshops?

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* 14. If yes to the above question, please indicate which of the following training interests you most (you can choose multiple):

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* 15. Who do you think will be important partners in delivering the Wicklow Biodiversity Action Plan?

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* 16. What is your vision for biodiversity in Wicklow by 2030 and 2050?

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* 17. What concerns you most about biodiversity in Wicklow today?

Thank you for completing this survey! Your input is vital in shaping the future of biodiversity in Wicklow.