Robotics & Automation Reader Survey

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4.In what sector does your organisation operate?(Required.)
5.What is your primary product/service?(Required.)
6.How many employees does your company have?(Required.)
7.What is your primary job function?(Required.)
8.How many editions of Robotics & Automation do you read a year?(Required.)
9.How many of your colleagues read your copy of Robotics & Automation magazine?(Required.)
10.How long have you been reading Robotics & Automation?(Required.)
11.How do you read Robotics & Automation? (Required.)
12.On average, how long do you spend reading each issue of Robotics & Automation?(Required.)
13.What do you normally do with your copy of Robotics & Automation after you have read it?(Required.)
14.Please rate the quality of Robotics & Automation’s(Required.)
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Advertorial content/advertisements
15.What separates Robotics & Automation from other industry publications?(Required.)
16.How often do you read the following magazines, either in print or digital form? (Required.)
Every issue
Most of the issues
Half of the issues
Less than half
Automation Magazine
Automation & Robotics World
Controls, Drive, & Automation
The Engineer
Logistics Manager
Manufacturing & Engineering Magazine
Robotics & Automation News
Robotics Business Review
Other (please specify)
17.If you could only read one robotics and automation magazine, which one would it be?(Required.)
18.Do you regard Robotics & Automation as a magazine focused on…(Required.)
19.Which trade shows, conferences and exhibitions do you attend?(Required.)
20.Which sections of the magazine interest you most?(Required.)
21.Do you want to read more (or less) of any of the following topics in Robotics & Automation?(Required.)
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22.What themes, topics or types of content would you like to see covered in Robotics & Automation that aren't already?
23.Are there any questions you would like to ask which were not included in this survey?
24.Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. If you wish to be entered into the prize draw, please enter your details below (IMPORTANT: all results will remain anonymous, we simply need this information to contact prize draw winners)
25.Please include any final comments or suggestions
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