LSE Festival feedback survey

Thank you for attending LSE Festival 2024: Power and Politics. We would be very grateful if you could take the time to fill out this survey and share your feedback, which will help us with planning future events.

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* 1. How would you rate your overall experience of the Festival?

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* 2. Did you attend:

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* 3. What motivated you to attend the Festival? Choose all that apply:

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* 4. How would you rate your online experience of the Festival?

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* 5. How would you rate your in-person experience of the Festival?

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* 6. As a result of attending the Festival, do you have a better understanding of the type of research work that takes place at LSE?

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* 7. Do you feel inspired by what you have experienced at the Festival?

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* 8. Would you recommend the LSE Festival to others?

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* 9. Would you attend an LSE event again?

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* 10. How did you find the timings of the events?

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* 11. How did you find the length of the events?

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* 12. Do you have any further comments or feedback on particular events? 

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* 13. Which age bracket are you in?

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* 14. Which of the following affiliations is the most applicable to you?

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* 15. If you would like to enter the prize draw, please fill in your details: