Interest form

CIC is already in the midst of planning our CIC 2024 Summit and are seeking 10-15 health professionals who are interested in joining our 2024 Summit Planning team.

Among these individuals, we need 1-2 Physicians, 1-2 Pharmacists, 1-2 Nurses, and 5-10 other public health advocates. By having these specific professionals on our planning team, it will help ensure that we are looking at the "whole team" when thinking about immunizations and all those involved in helping get immunizations into arms.

So, what does it mean to be a part of the Planning team?
You will directly engage with CIC on themes, speakers, and topics that should be included at the 2024 Summit. Additionally, you will have a front row seat to deciding what breakout sessions and topics will be presented at the 2024 Summit. You’ll also have a chance to help us to develop promotional materials, coordinate with our presenters, and assist us with event logistics. 

As a Planning team, we meet once a month starting 5-6 months prior to the Summit. When we are 60-90 days out from the Summit, we will start scheduling meetings twice a month (biweekly). Each meeting is between 45 minutes to 60 minutes in length.

We understand that this might seem like a big-time commitment, but please know your attendance at every meeting is not required. We ask that you try to make the meetings but understand that as a volunteer you have other responsibilities as well.

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We are happy to answer whatever we can to help you make the best decision for yourself and CIC.

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* 1. If you are interested in joining the 2024 Summit Planning team please provide your name and email address below.

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* 2. Please provide the name of the organization you curently work for.

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* 3. Please provide your professional title/ background

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* 4. Do you have any other questions or comments you would like to leave for CIC?

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* 5. Thank you for taking the time to fill this interest form out. We hope you will join us in planning and look forward to learning more about you and your interest.