How Should We Measure the Success of Public Education in NC?
It is important to every one of us that our state’s education system adequately serve the needs of our children. Our youngest citizens deserve a system that prepares them, and that gives them the opportunity, the resources, and the encouragement to enjoy the lifestyle of their choice. As your state senator and member of the Senate Education Committee, I recognize my important role to represent your interests in this critically important matter.
As parents we evaluate the results of public education by how well see our own children readied for their life's phase after graduation. I find it more challenging on the state level to know how we are performing.
As parents we evaluate the results of public education by how well see our own children readied for their life's phase after graduation. I find it more challenging on the state level to know how we are performing.
It would be extremely helpful for me to know how you believe that, as a state, how should we measure the success of NC’s public education system. I would be most grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete the following brief survey.