Fairview Park Master Plan Update

The City is currently in the process of updating the Fairview Park Master Plan, the first comprehensive update since the City first adopted a Master Plan for the site in 1998. To learn more about Fairview Park, please visit: www.costamesaca.gov/fvpmp. The City has contracted with an interdisciplinary consultant team of subject matter experts to lead the City through this process. Outreach and engagement are critical to this process during the project, the City and project team will be hosting a series of public outreach sessions for the project.
On August 31, 2023, the City held Community Workshop #1. During this session, attendees had the opportunity to participate in interactive discussions to share input about the visioning for Fairview Park, focusing on key planning elements of the site.
After breaking into small discussion groups, the project team asked participants to discuss and provide feedback on various elements of the site, including trails, fencing, signage, furnishings, play, recreational uses, and an interpretive museum/field house.
If you were unable to attend the first workshop, or wish to provide further responses to the discussion questions, please participate in the survey below. By providing your email, will also notify you of future community outreach opportunities for the Fairview Park Master Plan Update. (Note: contact information will not be shared). Please also use the link to the informational page for the project to learn more: www.costamesaca.gov/fvpmp 
During the meeting, the facilitators asked the groups to consider how they navigate through and between areas of the park. Facilitators used the following prompts to gather feedback about existing pathways and their vision for future trails:

Question Title

* 1. Trails: How could trails and pathways be designed to accommodate the types of uses you envision at the park? (Select all that apply)

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* 2. Trails: How wide should these be?

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* 3. Trails: Based on your use of the park, what materials work best? (Select all that apply)

Fairview Park should feel welcoming and safe. Fencing can create improved transitions between the different spaces in the park while improving people’s experiences while visiting the park. Fencing can also be necessary for safety and preserving sensitive habitats and environmental features, and protecting against erosion and degradation.

Question Title

* 4. Fencing: How close should fencing be in proximity to paths? (select all that apply)

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* 5. Fencing: What material should be considered? (Select all that apply)

Signage and furnishing at the park would enhance the visitor experience. Signage can also be interpretive and provide information about the location of amenities or other park features.

Question Title

* 6. Signage: What storytelling would be important to integrate into signage? (Select all that apply)

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* 7. Furnishings: What type of furnishings would you prioritize? Please describe your preference for each of the following: 

Question Title

* 8. Furnishings: Where would these be located? (Select all that apply)

  Benches View Area/platform Shade Structure Trash receptacles Improve maintenance of existing elements Boardwalk/platform over sensitive features
Area A
Area B
Area C
Area D
Area E
Area F
Area G
Area H
Area I

Question Title

* 9. Furnishings: What materials should be used?

During the brief presentation, the facilitators highlighted areas that would be suited for nature play. Facilitators discussed the following questions with their small groups:

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* 10. Play: What type of play activities would you envision in these locations? (Select all that apply)

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* 11. Museum/Field House: What activities should take place? (Select all that apply)

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* 12. Museum/Field House: What is your preference for the potential location of the museum/field house?

Thank you for your feedback, and we look forward to seeing you at future Fairview Park outreach activities!