Southern Saratoga Art Society Virtual Demo, Show and Meeting Survey
Would you be interested in attending a virtual artist demonstration via Zoom?
Yes, I Zoom all the time and I'd love it!
Yes, I'm a novice at Zoom, but I would like to see a demo.
Maybe, I've never used Zoom, but I'd like to give it a try if SSAS provided help.
No, I've never used Zoom and I don't have the equipment (Computer, IPad, Tablet, Smart Phone) to try.
No, I'm not interested.
Other comment - please indicate below:
Would you be interested in attending, via Zoom, a SSAS meeting to view and share your own and other members' artwork? This would be the same format as our annual March "Show and Tell" and our November themed artwork sharing meetings, which have always been very popular.
Yes, I Zoom all the time and I'd love it!
Yes, I'm a novice at Zoom, but I would like to see other members' work and share my own.
Maybe, I've never used Zoom, but I'd like to give it a try if SSAS provided help.
No, I've never used Zoom and I don't have the equipment (Computer, IPad, Tablet, Smart Phone) to try.
No, I'm not interested.
Other comment - please indicate below:
Would you be interested in participating in a virtual show of SSAS members' artwork? Members would submit photos of their artwork to SSAS show organizers. The show would be posted on the SSAS website and Facebook page and promoted in the local news media.
Yes, I would love to participate.
Yes, I would like to participate, but might need help photographing and sending my artwork to the show.
I'm not sure. I've never done this before and need more information.
No, I'm not interested.
Other comment - please indicate below:
If the Clifton Park Senior Community Center re-opens, would you be comfortable attending an in-person meeting this Fall?
Yes, I'd be very comfortable. I would definitely attend.
Maybe. I would consider attending if social distancing and other requirements are met.
Not sure if I would be comfortable enough to attend. I would want more information before deciding.
No, I'd be too uncomfortable to attend.
Other comment - please indicate below:
Current Progress,
0 of 4 answered