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The Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara serves the public by providing equal justice for all in a fair, accessible, effective, efficient, and courteous manner: by resolving disputes under the law; by applying the law consistently, impartially and independently; and by instilling public trust and confidence in the Court.
Please submit your feedback about your experience with proceedings conducted by a Temporary Judge using this confidential questionnaire. You do not need to identify yourself if you do not wish to. The results will be used strictly for internal monitoring of the Temporary Judge Program.
If you have any questions about this questionnaire or its use, please contact the Temporary Judge Program Administrator at 408-882-2721 or 
Thank you for your time and attention to this. Your feedback is very important to us.

Question Title

* 1. Temporary Judge First and Last Name:

Question Title

* 2. Date of assignment:


Question Title

* 3. Division:

Question Title

* 4. Was the temporary judge courteous and respectful to counsel?

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* 5. Was the temporary judge courteous and respectful to the parties? 

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* 6. Was the temporary judge courteous and respectful to Court staff?

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* 7. Did the temporary judge use appropriate language?

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* 8. Did the temporary judge do or say anything that gave the appearance of bias?

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* 9. Did the temporary judge do/say anything that gave the appearance of favoritism?

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* 10. Did the temporary judge understand their role in the court process?

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* 11. Did the temporary judge understand the roles of Court staff in the court process sufficiently to work effectively with them?

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* 12. Did the temporary judge have a sufficient understanding of the law to assist in the resolution of the matter(s) before the temporary judge?

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* 13. Did the temporary judge manage time adequately?

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* 14. If you answered "no" to any of the above-listed questions, please provide additional information here.

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* 15. Please provide any additional details regarding any of the above questions, either positive or negative, regarding the work of the Temporary Judge.

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* 16. Additional comments:

Question Title

* 17. Person completing this form:

0 of 21 answered