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Rangatahi Support Programme

Kia ora Rangatahi ma!
Help us to build a support programme that works for you.
We are keen to hear your goals and aspirations, and what support you might need to get there.

**Please leave your details at the end of the survey if you would like to go in the draw for a UE Boom.

Kia Ora!

Question Title

* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. What gender do you identify yourself with?

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* 3. What were you doing this year?

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* 4. Where do you live? Please select the town that is closest to you

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* 5. Are you Māori?

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* 6. Do you know what you want to do when you leave school?

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* 7. What are you likely to do after school

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* 8. What is your ultimate dream job?

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* 9. Which of these goals do you hope to achieve within the next 5 years?

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* 10. How do you feel about the following? (Not great, Okay, Awesome)

  Not great Okay Awesome
Hinengaro (Mental Well-being) How positive is your mind?
Akoranga (Education) How is your education going?
Whānau (Family) How supportive is your whānau?
Kāinga (Home life) How stable is your home?
Tinana (Physical Health) How well do you sleep, eat and excercise?
Tuakiri (Identity) How confident are you in your beliefs and values?

Question Title

* 11. Please rate how much support you need in the following areas

  None Some  Lots
Budgeting and managing my money
Cooking Skills
Connecting to Whakapapa
Learning more about Te Ao Māori ways of being mentally and physically well
Understanding Māori local knowledge and history
Learning Te Reo Māori
How to find and get a job
Creating a CV
How to improve my sleep
How to manage my anxiety/stress levels
How to reduce time spent on phone
How to manage and talk about my emotions
Being more physically active

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* 12. Who is a key person in your life that has supported you?

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* 13. How did they support you?

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* 14. What does support look like to you?

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* 15. Where would you like to be supported?

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* 16. How do you enjoy learning?

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* 17. How often would you want the support?

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* 18. If you would like to go into the draw for a UE BOOM, please add your name and number.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

0 of 18 answered