Join us in supporting 12-month childcare subsidy for homeless families

Dear Children’s Champion:

As you may know, more than 350 children experiencing homelessness each year lose access to a Working Connections Child Care Subsidy because their family is unable to meet the current work requirements (  This legislative session we are working with lawmakers in the House and Senate to ensure that all these children that need care can receive it for a full 12 months. Current law provides only a 4 month grace period—much too short a time period for homeless families struggling with housing, health issues, domestic violence, and high rent costs to find stable employment and housing. And for our early learning advocates, you know how important these first few years of life are, especially for children who have experienced serious trauma.

That’s why we are asking for your help. We would like organizations to add their name to our letter. The letter will then be made public and shared with the media and as a tool with key lawmakers.  The advocacy campaign is being spearheaded by Building Changes, Child Care Resources, and our team at the Washington State Association of Head Start and ECEAP (WSA).

 To sign on to the letter ( please enter your information below.  Thank you for your support!

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* 1. My information:

Thank you!  We will update you when the letter is sent, and appreciate your support for homeless children and families.