Stock Management Areas - A Conversation Starter Question Title * 1. Do you currently have a Stock Management Area on your property? Yes No Considering Question Title * 2. If you currently use a Stock Management Area, what is it primarily used for? Drought maintenance feeding Improved, controlled joining of breeders Weaning livestock Finishing livestock Containing Ingoing/outgoing stock for biosecurity Other reasons I don't currently use a SCA/SMA Question Title * 3. What are some factors which reduce your SMA efficiency/or confidence in developing and using a SMA on your property? Determining suitable SCA designs Understanding economic benefits and/or consequences, Start up costs, maintenance costs, financial return (direct and indirect) Managing animal health in SCAs Managing animal nutrition Timing of moving livestock in and out of containment Managing water and feed quality Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. If you answered ‘Other’ in the above question “What are some factors which reduce your SMA efficiency/or confidence in developing and using a SMA on your property?” Can you elaborate on the other concerns? Question Title * 5. What do you need from us to help guide conversations around stock containment? Thank you for participating in our Survey. Your input is invaluable to shaping the way we approach our projects.If you are interested in becoming involved with the Stock Management Areas Project as a Demonstration Site, or would like to be kept in the loop, get in contact with Jess Armstrong0498 683 152 or Done