What makes Hingham Hingham? Question Title * 1. What makes Hingham Hingham? Question Title * 2. How likely is it that you would recommend moving to Hingham to a friend or colleague? Not at all likely Extremely likely 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Title * 3. What is the main reason for your selection score? Question Title * 4. How many years have you lived in Hingham? Less than 5 years 5-10 years 11-20 years 21-30 years 31-40 years Greater than 40 years Question Title * 5. Gender: How do you identify? Man Woman Non-binary Prefer to not respond Prefer to self-describe, below Self-describe: Question Title * 6. What is your age? Less than 25 years 25-39 years 40-55 years 56-70 years Greater than 70 years Question Title * 7. Any comments that would be help for me in writing the article? Page1 / 1 100% of survey complete. Done