Question Title

* 1. What countries has your family visited on a family vacation in the last three years for five nights or more? Write in the names.

Question Title

* 2. Which travel companies/tour operators has your family traveled with on a family vacation in the last three years for five nights or more? Write in the names of the companies.

Question Title

* 3. How often does your family normally travel outside the United States for a vacation for five nights or more? Pick one.

Question Title

* 4. How many times in 2009 did your family travel outside the United States for a vacation for five nights or more? Pick one.

Question Title

* 5. How many family vacations outside of the United States of more than five nights do you plan on taking in 2010?

Question Title

* 6. Has your current financial situation caused you to increase, decrease or not change the number of family vacations planned for outside of the United States of five nights or more in 2010?

Question Title

* 7. If you are increasing or decreasing the number of vacations that you plan on taking in 2010, which of the following conditions were most important in making this change? Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 8. Which months do you typically travel outside the United States as a family? Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 9. How much do you typically budget per person for your family vacation outside the US? Pick one.

Question Title

* 10. For 2010 have you increased, decreased or kept the same your budget for family vacations?

Question Title

* 11. Your most common way of family travel outside of the United States is

Question Title

* 12. How likely are you to visit each of these regions in 2010 as part of a five night vacation?

  Definitely Very likely Likely Not likely
Mexico and/or Central America
South America
North America
Australia/New Zealand

Question Title

* 13. Please select the one country in Central America and Mexico that you would like to travel to in 2010 as part of a five night family vacation.

Question Title

* 14. Please select the one country in South America that you would like to travel to in 2010 as part of a five night family vacation.

Question Title

* 15. Please select the one country in Europe that you would like to travel to in 2010 as part of a five night family vacation.

Question Title

* 16. Please select the one country in Africa that you would like to travel to in 2010 as part of a five night family vacation.

Question Title

* 17. Please select the one country in Asia that you would like to travel to in 2010 as part of a five night family vacation.

Question Title

* 18. What are the most important issues/features in the selection of a family travel destination? Rank each as most important to least important, with only one per column.

  Least important of the list Most important on the list
Traveling with other families
Presence of a rich history or distinct culture
Quality of the lodging
Travel agent's recommendation
Cost of travel to this destination
Recommendation of a friend

Question Title

* 19. What are the most important activities you look for in the selection of a family travel destination? Rank each as most important to least important, with only one per column

  Least important of the list Most important on the list
Snorkeling or diving
A variety of outdoor activities
Wildlife viewing
Cultural exploration and penpals
Whitewater rafting
Day hikes and treks

Question Title

* 20. What is your preferred level of accommodations for your family vacations outside of the US?

Question Title

* 21. On your most recent family vacation of five days or more outside of the United States which type of accommodations did you stay in?

Question Title

* 22. What are the top two features you look for in a hotel on your family vacations outside of the United States?

Question Title

* 23. How far in advance have you historically made your family travel reservations for trips outside the US for more than 5 nights?

Question Title

* 24. In 2010 how far in advance will you make your family travel reservations for trips outside the US for more than 5 nights?

Question Title

* 25. In the last 12 months have you reserved online

  yes no
A car?
An airline ticket?
A complete family travel package (hotels, meals, internal flights, activities, transfers, etc.) for more than $2000 per person on a tour operator site?
A cruise?
A hotel room?

Question Title

* 26. What is the age of the person completing this survey?

Question Title

* 27. What is the highest level of education achieved by one or more of the adults in your household? Pick one.

Question Title

* 28. How many children do you have?

Question Title

* 29. How old are your children? Check all the boxes that apply.

Question Title

* 30. How many of your nieces and nephews who are under 20 years of age would you take on a family vacation?

Question Title

* 31. If you have children who are young adults in the 18 to 25 year old age bracket, are they still willing to travel with you on family vacations?

Question Title

* 32. If the answer to your last question was yes, would you like Thomson to design trips for your family?

Question Title

* 33. If Thomson develops a trip to a new destination for the future, would you and your family be interested in participating in the first (beta) trip with a significant discount in return for an evaluation of the trip?

Question Title

* 34. Did you find what you were looking for in your visit to our website?

Question Title

* 35. Was it easy to navigate our website?

Question Title

* 36. Do you have any suggestions for improving our website?

Question Title

* 37. Please provide the following information so we can be sure to give you credit for the $200 travel survey discount.