We'd like to include you in the Compliance Project, and this survey is our way of gauging your interest and background. You can participate on several levels, whether by simply sharing your professional experience, performing field evaluations, helping develop the CodePlus Builder’s Package, or authoring articles in industry or consumer media.

Thanks for filling out this survey. In return, we'll take your advice seriously, share our research with you, and connect you to our wide network of committed professionals.

Please tell us more about your observations, experience, and interests, and below.

Question Title

* 1. In your experience, what is the rate of compliance with energy codes in your region?

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* 2. In your experience, what are the most common failures of energy codes in your region? (you can choose more than one)

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* 3. Who do you think is most responsible for poor compliance with energy codes? (you can choose more than one)

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* 4. Have you worked as one of these professionals? (you can choose more than one)

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* 5. Do do have any of these certifications? (you can choose more than one)

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* 6. Would you be interested in participating in the Compliance Project by performing a basic blower-door test, a duct airtightness test, and a simple visual assessment of a few homes in your region? (to help determine typical types of non-compliance in your area, and identify a handful of homes for follow-on case studies and potential media campaigns.)

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* 7. Would you be interested in participating in the Compliance Project by helping develop the CodePlus Builder’s Package? (this would be a set of technical support services delivered to builders who want to go beyond code compliance.)

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* 8. Would you be interested in participating in the Compliance Project by helping develop media outreach packages, or by authoring articles in social media or trade publications?

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* 9. What is your experience with performing duct tests, blower door tests, or combustion-zone safety tests?

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* 10. Do you own or have access to these types of test equipment?

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* 11. Would you like to receive periodic updates by email on the Compliance Project?

Question Title

* 12. Please tell us how to contact you. And thanks for inquiring about the Compliance Project.