Pre-Transcribathon survey Question Title * 1. 1. What is your background? Select all that apply. Undergraduate student Academic research Herbalist Medical professional Professional cookery Librarian / archivist General interest Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 2. Why do you plan to participate in our transcribathon? Select top three reasons. Interest in history Interest in cookery Interest in medicine/herbs/science To learn how to read old handwriting To learn how electronic editions of books are created To learn more about transcribathons For fun For community Because it is part of your class Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. On a scale of 1 to 5, do you have any background in...... (1 = no experience at all, 5 = expert) 1 2 3 4 5 Historical cookery? Historical cookery? 1 Historical cookery? 2 Historical cookery? 3 Historical cookery? 4 Historical cookery? 5 Reading old handwriting? Reading old handwriting? 1 Reading old handwriting? 2 Reading old handwriting? 3 Reading old handwriting? 4 Reading old handwriting? 5 Medical history? Medical history? 1 Medical history? 2 Medical history? 3 Medical history? 4 Medical history? 5 History of science? History of science? 1 History of science? 2 History of science? 3 History of science? 4 History of science? 5 Digital projects? Digital projects? 1 Digital projects? 2 Digital projects? 3 Digital projects? 4 Digital projects? 5 OK Question Title * 4. Have you ever participated in an EMROC event before? Yes No OK Question Title * 5. Have you ever participated in a similar event with another group? Yes No OK DONE