We need your help to build a great business!

This survey is to help The Outperformer team gather more qualified insights into the accounting and finance community, using this information to develop content and products that add value and serve a purpose to our community - accounting and finance professionals. Thank you for your support in completing this survey.

The community has given so much to our own careers, we hope we can return the favour through the work we do at The Outperformer and taking on board the comments you offer below.

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* 1. Which of the following best describes your current career or employment level?

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* 2. In your current organisation, are you comfortable with the level of career development investment and support you and your team receive?

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* 3. The Outperformer is a career management platform that will provide a range of community-based value and systems for accounting and finance professionals. Which of the following do you believe would be the most valuable to you?

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* 4. Do you currently have a career, life or personal coach?

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* 5. If you have considered working with a career coach but still haven't, what has held you back?

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* 6. The Outperformer is working with a number of executives and CFOs to interview and bring into the community for webinars and other events, covering a variety of career topics. These are unique discussions about practical development techniques that you can adopt or learn from. 

If you could select any Executive (or perhaps company they would work for) that you would like to hear from on this part of the platform, who would it be and why?

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* 7. In your opinion, do you believe you have a well-developed professional network that provides adequate support to your career and achieving your career goals?

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* 8. How important is having a rewarding career and managing your career to you?

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* 9. If you could start your career again and work in a different profession, would you?

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* 10. If The Outperformer could be a "magic genie" and could help you solve a practical career or job-based problem in the next 6 months, what would that be?

Please describe in a few words the general challenge you have and what support would be of the highest value.

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* 11. Which recruitment company do you believe in doing the best work in the accounting and finance space? (What is their name and why?)

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* 12. Which recruiter (individual) is the best you have worked with, and why?

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* 13. Are there any recommendations you would provide The Outperformer around successfully launching the product to the accounting and finance community, or the value you would like to see from such a product?

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* 14. Are you interested in finding out more about The Outperformer's accounting and finance community and career management platform?

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* 15. Would you like to take up a trial of The Outperformer when it is launched?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. While it may seem insignificant, it is the information that you provide which helps shape the development of The Outperformer product and will ensure that we provide the most valuable content possible. 

We would love for you to follow us on LinkedIn and engage with us to share feedback on the content we produce. Go to: