Mail-in experience at Mid-IR

1.Overall, How was your experience with mail-in at Mid-IR?
2.How would you rate the timing your experiments? Please consider initial communication, arranging for mailing, time until sample measured.
3.What was your primary mode of communication
4.How was communication during the mail-in process
5.How was the quality of data collected
6.Was the sample mounting and preparation appropriate for your sample? Please comment on an approach that would be better suited for your type of sample
7.What was you experience mailing your sample? Were the instructions easy to follow?
8.Did you use Quasar/Orange to view and/or analyze your data? View tutorials or use example workflows? What was your experience? Please be specific
9.How important is it to your research to be able to do mail-in experiments at Mid-IR?
10.What is the most important change we can make to the mail-in experience from your perspective? Any other comments? If you would like a response (or just want us to know who this is), please leave your name.
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