TechGig: WFH Likeliness Survey

1.Do you find 'Work From Home' useful in the current times of uncertainty?
2.Do you think WFH is helpful in your career growth?
3.Do you think that WFH has affected your working hours?
4.Do you feel stressed due to WFH?
5.Has it impacted your productivity and efficiency?
6.Are you able to find time for your hobbies?
7.What do you think is the biggest advantage of working from home?
8.What is the biggest disadvantage of WFH for you?
9.How long do you think is more than enough for WFH?
10.If your company offers permanent WFH, what would you do?
11.Would you like to continue Work from Home even after things get normal?
12.Your name -
13.Your age -
14.Your Email id
15.Your experience level -
16.Do you live with your family?
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered