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* 1. Cats are carnivores and that is one of the reason their teeth are specially adapted to eat meat

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* 2. How many teeth does an adult cat have?

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* 3. How many teeth does a kitten have?

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* 4. What is/are important activity(ies) you can do at home to prevent dental disease?

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* 5. Dental disease is reversible at stage I

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* 6. Why is it absolutely critical to treat dental disease in our feline friends?

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* 7. What are some of the signs of dental disease in your kitty that you can look for yourself?

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* 8. What should you insist be included in dental surgery?

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* 9. It's ok to leave a broken tooth in place as long as it is not causing pain or is not infected.

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* 10. Which of the following statements is true about feline resorptive lesions?

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* 11. Effective dental cleaning can be performed in patients who are awake or lightly sedated, without the use of anesthesia.

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* 12. Please put in your email address and name to be entered for the drawing to win a free dental cleaning and radiographs. (Does not include extractions, blocks, pain management, or antibiotics)