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Too Good for Drugs - Pre-Survey Fall 2021
Too Good for Drugs!
Welcome to the first session of the Too Good for Drugs (TGFD) program.
You are being asked to complete this survey today and following the last session of TGFD. The questions will ask about what you think, how you feel, and what you do. This survey is about alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs. There are also some questions about goal setting, relationships, and emotions.
This is not a test. There are no right or wrong answers. Just tell about yourself, what you think, what you believe, or what you have done. Everyone in your class has been asked to answers these questions.
Results will be confidential. Your individual responses will not be shared with your teacher, school administrators, or Too Good for Drugs facilitator. Although you will be asked to enter your student ID number, we will only share responses from the entire group. For example, 65% of students reported that they have never used any tobacco products.
Your responses will be helpful in determining future programs and lessons for students. There will be no follow-up to any of your answers, regardless of your responses. Please be honest in answering all questions to the best of your ability. If you have any questions, please ask your Too Good for Drugs Facilitator, Ms. Cafro.