Quarterly Questionnaire 

As a valued E-REP member, your feedback is important for us meet your business and professional needs. Please take 10 minutes to complete the following survey and help us understand where we can improve our membership offerings, determine legislative priorities and uncover opportunities for growth in the Evansville Region.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your contact information below.
Your feedback is important to us!
This information is not required if you wish to remain anonymous. 

Question Title

* 2. What are the primary benefits of doing business in the Evansville Region?
(Select top 5)

Question Title

* 3. Which of the following E-REP initiatives do you feel we are doing effectively?
(Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. Which of the following activities would you like to learn more about?
(Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. Please list the four (4) biggest opportunities to improve our region:

Question Title

* 6. Please list three (3) attributes that make our region distinctive:

14% of survey complete.