Septic System Awareness Survey Question Title * 1. Traditional septic systems and cesspools can create problems for our environment; which of the following problems would you attribute to this source? (PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) contaminated drinking water excess nitrogen in our water bodies fecal bacteria in our water bodies none of the above Question Title * 2. Environmental experts have repeatedly found excessive levels of nitrogen in both Hog Creek and Accabonac Harbor. Which of the following best describes your prior awareness of this situation? Well aware of this problem and feel that I am well informed Am somewhat aware of these concerns Have never heard anything about this Question Title * 3. Which of the following do you expect could result from having too much nitrogen in our water bodies? (check all that apply) shellfish could become unsafe to eat unpleasant smell reduced water clarity fish could die off algal blooms - red tide, brown tide, etc. none of the above Question Title * 4. Which of the following do you think are ways that nitrogen is getting into our waters? (PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) storm water runoff fertilizer is seeping into groundwater from the atmosphere waste from water fowl and other animals human waste seeping into our groundwater from underground septic systems none of the above Question Title * 5. A major source of nitrogen is, in fact, our traditional underground septic systems. But, there are new "low nitrogen" systems that can eliminate most of the nitrogen that would otherwise end up in Hog Creek and Accabonac Harbor. Did you know that low nitrogen systems are available to East Hampton homeowners? Yes I am well informed on this topic I was aware but am not well informed It sounds vaguely familiar I've never heard of this Question Title * 6. There are tax-free grants available to homeowners that can entirely cover the cost of upgrading to a new low-nitrogen septic system. Prior to this survey, were you aware that such grants were available? Yes - was well aware of these grants Had heard about grants but didn't know what they would cover or who would qualify Was not aware that grants were available Question Title * 7. Which of the following statements apply to you? I have seriously considered upgrading my septic system and know what's involved I am open to the idea of upgrading my system - would need to learn more This is not something that I'm interested in doing at this time Question Title * 8. Which of the following statements apply to you? I have seriously considered upgrading my septic system and know what's involved I am open to the idea of upgrading my system - would need to learn more This is not something that I'm interested in doing at this time Question Title * 9. What are the barriers that might prevent you from upgrading to a low-nitrogen septic system? Question Title * 10. What do you think would encourage more people to upgrade their septic systems? Done