Tell us about yourself.

Question Title

* 1. Was this your first time attending UWF Legislative Event?

Question Title

* 2. Where did you hear about Legislative Event?

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* 3. Are you a UWF officer? If so, please indicate at what level.

Question Title

* 4. Are you a leader in your faith tradition? If so, please indicate at what level.

Please give us your overall opinion of the event.

Question Title

* 5. How satisfied were you with the registration process for the event?

Question Title

* 6. How satisfied were you with the schedule for the event?

Question Title

* 7. How satisfied were you with the accommodations and meals?

Question Title

* 8. How satisfied were you with the publicity/promotion for the event?

Question Title

* 9. How satisfied were you with the topics covered?

Question Title

* 10. How satisfied were you with the presenters?

Question Title

* 11. How satisfied were you with the legislative visits?

Question Title

* 12. How satisfied were you with the overall event management?

Question Title

* 13. If you attended online, how satisfied were you with the production quality--the video picture and the sound?

Question Title

* 14. How satisfied were you with the follow-up from Texas Impact staff?

Question Title

* 15. How confident do you feel that you can stay engaged throughout 2024 with the information you have?

For each session you attended, please give us your overall impression of the session and the presenter. You'll have an opportunity to write additional comments at the end of the survey.

Question Title

* 16. Workshop: Public Education Funding (Amanda Brownson)

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* 17. Workshop: Climate Change and Texas (Becca Edwards)

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* 18. Workshop: Public School Defenders (Grace Bonilla)

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* 19. Workshop: Violence Prevention (Bobby Watson)

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* 20. Workshop: Maternal & Child Health (Diana Forester)

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* 21. Workshop: Online Advocacy (Kyle Riley)

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* 22. Workshop: LGBTQAI+ Legislative Issues (Keats Miles Wallace and Kyle Riley)

Question Title

* 23. Workshop: Election 2026 Starts Now (Rebecca McIlwain)

Question Title

* 24. Workshop: Texas Immigration Policy (Luis Figueroa)

Question Title

* 25. Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey, Sunday Keynote Speaker

Question Title

* 26. Giovanna Oaxaca: Federal Immigration State of Play

Question Title

* 27. Beaman Floyd: Education Issues

Question Title

* 28. Amanda Tyler: Christians Against Christian Nationalism

Question Title

* 29. Legislative Training

Question Title

* 30. Zurawski v. Texas Film

Question Title

* 31. Dr. Charles Brown: Reproductive Policy

Please take a few minutes to share your comments! The Legislative Event Committee use these comments in planning the following year's event, and we need your feedback to keep improving!

Question Title

* 32. What was one "ah-ha" moment for you at Legislative Event—one thing you learned or moment you experienced that you are still thinking about?

Question Title

* 33. What topics were not covered that you would like to see covered in future events?

Question Title

* 34. What information do you plan to share with your unit, congregation, or other group?

Question Title

* 35. What could the Legislative Event Committee or Texas Impact do to help you make the best use of the information you get at Legislative Event over the rest of the year?

Question Title

* 36. Please share how Legislative Event equipped you to advance UWF's mission of working for justice on behalf of women, children, and youth.

Question Title

* 37. Any other comments you would like to share to help the Legislative Event Committee as we start planning next year's event?

If you were a FIRST-TIME PARTICIPANT this year, the Committee is especially interested in your answers to the following two questions:

Question Title

* 38. What would you like to see more of—what left you wanting more?

Question Title

* 39. What could you have gone without—what could have been included in the written material and not covered by a speaker or presenter?

The Legislative Event Committee plans to offer next year's event as a "hybrid" like this year, with both online and in-person options. To help us with our planning, please answer the following questions:

Question Title

* 40. This year, virtual registration was $50, which included access to all sessions and follow-up materials. Which of the following do you agree with? Check all that apply

Question Title

* 41. What kind of support would you need to host or participate in a local watch party for Legislative Event?

Question Title

* 42. Do you plan to attend Legislative Event in 2025? This is not a commitment—just your rough guess!

Question Title

* 43. If you feel that you are unlikely to attend next year, is there a specific reason?