Salado Public Library Survey -2024
Do you have a library card at Salado Public Library?
Please check one to indicate your age:
Under 18
Age 19-29
Age 30-39
Age 40-49
Age 50-59
Age 60-69
Age 70-79
Age 80 or better
Prefer not to answer.
Please let us know the ages of children living in your home. Select all that apply.
Ages 0-5
Ages 6-11
Ages 12+
No children
Prefer not to answer
How often do you use Salado Public Library, either in person or to use online resources?
Almost daily.
Weekly or bi-weekly.
3-4 times per year.
Once per year.
This is my 1st time.
Do not know.
If you are not a library user, please tell us why. Check all that apply.
I do not have a way to get to the library.
My health/condition limits or prevents it.
I owe fines or have lost material fees.
I do not have the time.
There is not enough parking.
The library is too crowded.
The library is too noisy for me.
I use the internet to get information.
The library hours are not convenient for me.
The location of the library is not convenient for me.
The library staff is not friendly or helpful.
I get my information in other ways.
Why do you visit Salado Public Library? Check all that apply.
To check out books.
To check out movies.
To read the newspaper.
To use the computer.
To use Wi-Fi/internet.
To use print services.
To get things faxed or scanned.
To use the notary services.
For the Children's programs.
For the YA/Teen programs.
For the Adult programs.
To get technology assistance.
What new spaces would you like to have in an updated facility? Check all that apply.
Study rooms.
Conference room.
Tutoring space.
More electrical/power connections.
Larger public meeting room(s).
Comfortable seating.
Dedicated Children's Storytime room.
Larger Teen area.
Dedicated homework/project area.
Quiet reading room.
Outdoor space with seating.
Outdoor space for children and families.
High tech area: 3D printers, laser cutter, etc.
Low tech area: sewing machines, vinyl cutter, etc.
Soundproof room for recording/podcasts.
Display areas for artwork/special collections.
What would you like in a meeting or study space? Check all that apply.
Space for 1-4 people.
Space for 5-8 people.
Space for up to 12 people.
Space for up to 25 people.
Space for up to 100 people.
Space with a kitchenette or pantry.
Space with access to videoconferencing.
Space to do a messy craft or project.
What would you like to see in an outdoor space? Check all that apply.
Space for outdoor classes.
Space to sit and relax.
Space for a story-walk.
Small amphitheater area for events.
Space for informal gatherings.
Play space for children.
Discovery garden.
Sensory garden.
Drive-up book return and/or service window.
What new services would you like to see offered at Salado Public Library? Check all that apply.
24-hour library vending: books, dvds, etc.
24-hour holds lockers: Be able to pick up your book reserves after hours.
Literacy classes for adults.
Computer literacy classes.
Business center: fax, scanning, copying, etc.
Cooking classes.
Makerspace: 3D printing, laser cutting, etc.
Delivery of library materials to homebound residents.
Video streaming services.
Online crafting videos.
More book clubs.
More activities for children.
More activities for teens.
More activities for adults.
Do you feel that Salado Public Library can... (Check all that apply)
Improve overall quality of life?
Increase local property values?
Attract new businesses to the community?
Nurture a love of reading?
Attract patronage to local businesses?
Introduce users to new technologies?
Help children with their education?
Contribute to homeschooling efforts?
Help all users with life-long learning?
What would you like to share with us in planning for the expansion of Salado Public Library?
Can we contact you should we need more information?
If yes, please enter your contact information below: