CREB®Maps is an intuitive mapping tool created in-house by the IT Services team. After exploring the new tool, please take a few moments to complete this survey and provide us with feedback on your experience. Survey results will be used to develop enhancements to CREB®Maps and build on big-data possibilities for members.
Please complete the survey before the Wednesday, Sept. 14, closing date.

Question Title

* 1. Please identify if you are an:

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* 2. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the transition from GeoJet to CREB®Maps on a scale from 1 to 5 (with 1 being very dissatisfied and 5 being very satisfied):

Question Title

* 3. How confident are you with using CREB®Maps as your new mapping tool?

Question Title

* 4. Does CREB®Maps meet your needs?

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* 5. What other information or features would you like CREB®Maps to offer? (Check all that apply and enter additional feedback in the comment box.)

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* 6. Please rate the value of each learning resource for CREB®Maps:

  Did not use Not valuable Somewhat valuable Valuable Very valuable
CREB®Maps Hub on CREB®Link
CREB®Maps guide (PDF)
CREB® Technology 360° course

Question Title

* 7. CREB® members were involved in the development of CREB®Maps through the member-comprised Technology Standing Committee, focus groups and beta-testing. Did you feel there was enough member engagement in the decision to transition to CREB®Maps?

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* 8. How well do you feel CREB® communicated about the transition to CREB®Maps on a scale from 1 to 5?
(A rating of 1 indicates you did not feel you were made adequately aware of the transition. A rating of 5 indicates you felt well aware of the transition and were notified of important updates.)

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* 9. What, specifically, can CREB® provide more of to support members in future software launches? (Choose all that apply):

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* 10. How much lead-time  do you feel is optimal to prepare members for similar software launches?

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* 11. Please provide any additional feedback or comments you may have on CREB®Maps.