1. Introduction

Thank you for visiting this page to give us your feedback.

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) is consulting on proposals to reform the composition of its governing body, RCVS Council, and the composition of the governing body for veterinary nurses within the RCVS, Veterinary Nurse Council.

This consultation seeks the views of members of the veterinary professions, the wider vet-led team, and the public on proposed reforms. In particular we would like to gather views on the potential impact that implementing the recommendations could have, and any evidence and arguments that may not have been considered. The recommendations will then be reviewed in light of the consultation results before a final decision is made on formal recommendations for governance reform.

Full details of the consultation proposals can be found here in the consultations section of our website. The consultation will close at 5pm on Friday 19 July 2024.

Submissions to the consultation will be analysed to identify key themes, and reported back to RCVS Council before any final decisions are made on our recommendations for governance composition of either Council.

The reform recommendations are described below, divided into sections each outlining a different aspect of the reform proposals. At the end of each section you will have the opportunity to comment on that aspect of the proposed reforms.

To navigate around the questionnaire, please use the ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ buttons on the page, and not the back/forward buttons on your browser.

Many thanks in advance for taking the time to send us your views.