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The following survey is intended to identify strengths and opportunities in the special education community, assist in making plans for SEPAC that best suit our community, and ensure that we are reaching the special education community in an equitable way.  All questions are optional, but each one helps SEPAC get a better picture of how best to represent our community. The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. How many students do you have with this type of formal special education plan?

Question Title

* 2. Please comment on what aspects of your special education journey have gone well (ex: evaluation process, creating special education plan, communication with the school-based team such as a special education teacher/facilitator/liaison, Quality of services you receive through Newton Public Schools) suggestions

Question Title

* 3. How well do you feel your child(ren)’s needs are being met in school?

Very Well Awful

Question Title

* 4. What issues, questions, or needs do you have related to special education? 

Question Title

* 5. What talents or skills do you or your family have that might be helpful to SEPAC? (graphic design, musician, organizing an event, web/computer knowledge, etc.) Please elaborate as much as you’d like, and indicate your availability.

Question Title

* 6. What ideas do you have for presentations, events, or ways SEPAC can be most helpful to you and your family?

Question Title

* 7. Would you attend SEPAC meetings or presentations held (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 8. Would you attend SEPAC social events held (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 9. What, if anything, prevents you from attending SEPAC meetings, presentations or events? (Time of day, childcare, privacy concerns, etc.)

Question Title

* 10. What special needs related conversations/presentations have you enjoyed or benefitted from in the past or would like to see in the future? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 11. If you would like help with anything, please add your needs here, include your contact information and someone from SEPAC will follow up with you.

Demographic Information

Diversity, equity and inclusion are very important to us.  If you are comfortable sharing, please indicate how you and your child/children identify with the following demographics.  This information will help us understand where we need to do better in reaching and serving our entire community. 

Question Title

* 12. Your children's gender (indicate number of children in each category)

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* 13. Your children's race (indicate number of children in each category)

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* 14. What is the primary language spoken at home? (choose 1)

Question Title

* 15. What secondary language(s) is/are spoken at home? (choose all that apply)

Thank you for completing this survey!
0 of 15 answered