Transportation Efficiency Rural and Suburban Examples

WSDOT is compiling rural and suburban success stories that demonstrate transportation efficiency to publish on the Transportation Efficient Communities website, in our presentations, and for training. Please share your rural and suburban examples of Complete Streets, improved network connectivity, transit-oriented development, vehicle miles traveled reductions, Metropolitan Planning Organization and Regional Transportation Planning Organization collaboration and coordination, public transportation improvements, etc. Please include planning documents or links as they're available. Thank you!

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* 1. What is the city/town/county, and example from your community?

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* 2. Why was the location chosen?

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* 3. What planning documents or contacts could you share for this project? Please list contacts below, and email planning documents to Sofia McMillan,

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* 4. If you don't have planning documents, what other information could you provide about the project, e.g. funding sources, study the project originated from, if the project supported a plan goal, etc.?

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* 5. Your name, title, and contact information

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* 6. Thank you for your help! Please email any related planning documents to Sofia McMillan,