February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

If you feel you are in a toxic or violent relationship, please contact an advocate at the Sault Tribe Advocacy Resource Center at 906-632-1808.  If you do not feel comfortable doing so, please notify an adult, a parent, or a member of your school staff for assistance.  Thank you! Please visit www.arcsaulttribe.com for more information. 

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. What is your ethnicity?

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* 3. What is your gender?

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* 4. Do you have any prior knowledge about Teen Dating Violence (TDV)?

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* 5. How have you learned about healthy relationships and Teen Dating Violence (TDV)?

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* 6. How does HOME LIFE (parents' relationship, other adults, morals/values) 
influence an adolescent to act in a dating relationship? Choose ONE

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* 7. How much does the MEDIA (singers, celebrities, music, video games, social media) influence an adolescent to act in a dating relationship?

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* 8. How much do CULTURAL EXPECTATIONS (traditions and the way things are done in your culture) influence adolescents and how they act in dating relationships?

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* 9. Teen Dating Violence affects which of the following groups? Check all that apply.

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* 10. How likely are TEENS to report TDV to their parents or to authorities (police)?

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* 11. What form(s) of abuse does TDV include?

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* 12. Teens in a toxic relationship experience severe consequences and short- and long-term negative effects of TDV.

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* 13. Jealousy and possessiveness are two of the most common warning signs of dating abuse.

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* 14. Teen dating violence only occurs between boys and girls.

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* 15. Teen dating violence doesn't have the same impact as adult domestic violence relationships.

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* 16. If a person stays in an abusive relationship, it can't really be that bad.

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* 17. Some of the red flags of TEEN DATING VIOLENCE are?  Check all that apply.

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* 18. I am aware of agencies and sources to find help for TDV.

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* 19. Have you ever questioned whether or not your relationship was toxic?

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* 20. Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns? 

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* 21. What do you feel our community could do differently to alleviate Teen Dating Violence?

100% of survey complete.