Through CRL’s commitment to science and innovation, our team has investigated epigenetic tests from the leading providers over the past year.  As we shape the future of our epigenetic studies, we are interested in your feedback regarding epigenetic testing:

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* 1. Do you feel epigenetic tests will be adopted by life insurance companies?

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* 2. Is your company interested in using epigenetic tests on applicants?

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* 3. Does your company have an interest in participating in an epigenetic pilot study?

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* 4. When considering an epigenetic test for smoking, is it essential that the test identify applicants who chew tobacco?

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* 5. How would an epegenetic smoking signature be used to test applicants given it can detect non-smokers, smokers, and estimate the number of cigarettes smoked daily? (more than one answer can be selected)

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* 6. How would an epigenetic test for alcohol be applied given it can detect abstinence/light/moderate/heavy drinkers over a prolonged period (1+ year)?

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* 7. Is there interest to offer epigenetic tests to current policy holders to promote wellness?

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* 8. Please provide any further comments you may have regarding epigenetic testing: