This survey helps to identify and rank the top 10 areas of focus for healthcare executives in 2022.  Completing this survey should take no longer than four to eight minutes.

You can learn more about the HCEG Top 10 list here and access a detailed description of 2022 areas of focus here

Note: No personal information collected via this survey will be shared without your permission. You may also choose to remain anonymous and not provide any personally identifiable information.
*** Survey is closed as of Monday, January 18th but remains accessible for individuals who want to share their priorities. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive information on the challenges, issues, and opportunities facing healthcare executives.

Question Title

* 2. Select ten (10) of the following areas that you feel are priorities for 2022. On the next page, you will be requested to rank your choices.

Please be sure to select 10 items AND complete the NEXT PAGE where you will rank the 10 selections you make on this page.

Question Title

* 3. Provide any comments about any of the priorities listed above