Tribal Chiefs Ventures Incorporated (TCVI) - Economic Development in the Energy Sector

Business Owners Survey

TCVI is collecting data from business owners who are members of the 6 First Nations under TCVI to gain knowledge on the success of business owners, the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and what supports TCVI can provide to business owners. 
1.Demographics - What is your Gender?
2.Which Tribal Chiefs member First Nation are you registered with ?
3.Do you own a business?
4.If you answesed yes to question 3, is your business on-reserve?
5.If your business is not on-reserve please specify the registered office location of your business?
6.If you answered no to Question number 3, are you planning to start a business? 
7.What sector does your business fall into?
8.What is your current employment situation?
9.Has your business been affected by the COVID Pandemic?
10.If you answered yes, to what extent has your revenue been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?
11.Are you aware of the federal/provincial government funding aimed to support Indigenous businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic?
12.If you answered yes to question 12, have you applied for funding assistance?
13.If you answered no,  would you like to receive information on the business supports available to Indigenous businesses during COVID-19?
14.What supports may be beneficial to the success of your business?