Thurston County is creating tools and resources to help the public and staff use the new Shoreline Master Plan.

Please review the following topic areas and complete the quick survey below to help guide our efforts!

Please review this list of topics for which educational materials are being planned. Then answer the questions below
  • A summary of SMP contents and background
  • Answers to frequently asked questions
  • Shoreline jurisdiction and shoreline environment designations
  • Shoreline buffers
  • Nonconforming structures
  • Building and maintaining docks
  • Building and maintaining shoreline stabilization (such as bulkheads)
  • Types of shoreline permits, and when a permit is needed
  • Shoreline restoration and native plant resources

Question Title

* 1. Are there any additional shoreline topics that you would like to see information on?

Question Title

* 2. What are your preferred methods of learning
(select all that apply):

Question Title

* 3. What makes you interested in this topic (select all that apply):

Question Title

* 4. Is there anything else you would like for us to know?

Question Title

* 5. If you would like further information please leave your name and email. Staff will contact you.

Question Title

* 6. Zip Code