Reventure App User Questionnaire
What best describes your role and interest in real estate?
Homebuyer (to live in the house)
Real Estate Investor
Realtor / Mortgage Broker
Data Nerd
Other (please specify)
If you're looking to buy a property, when do you think it will happen?
Imminent (I want to buy right now)
3-6 Months
6-12 Months
1-3 Years
Tough to say. Really depends on the Market.
What part of the country are you looking to buy in?
(if multiple areas, pick the one which receives most of your focus)
What's holding you back from buying a house or investment property in today's market?
Home Prices are too high.
Inventory is too low.
Mortgage Rates are too high.
Cap Rates / Yields are too low
Concerns about Recession / Economic uncertainty
Have you used Reventure App yet?
Yes - quite a bit
Yes - once or twice
Not Yet
What data point are you most interested in knowing about your Housing Market?
What the average home price is
How much home prices have grown/declined in the last year
How over or undervalued home prices are
The likely direction of home prices in the next 6 - 12 months
Other (please specify)
Here are some more data points. Which one interests you most regarding your Housing Market?
Inventory Growth
% of Sellers Cutting the Price
Days on the Market
Population Growth
Income Growth
What's your primary objective in doing additional research on the Housing Market?
Understanding the right time to buy
Avoid losing money on buying a house
Finding new cities / neighborhoods to buy
It's a big financial decision. I just want to make sure I have my bases covered.
Other (please specify)
Which feature would you most like to see added to Reventure App?
Downloadable Market Reports
Sortable Lists so I can see Best v Worst Markets
More historical data going back further into time (pre-2005)
Other (please specify)
Reventure App is currently free. Eventually some data points and map locations will go behind a paywall.
When that happens, would you consider paying to use Reventure App?
Yes - definitely, I find the data very valuable
Maybe - it really depends on the price and features
No - I won't pay