City of Madison: Southeast and Southwest Area Plan Public Survey

Organized by the City of Madison's Planning Division

This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.
The City of Madison is developing plans for the Southeast and Southwest areas. The plans aim to address various opportunities and issues. we need your input to ensure the plans reflect the needs of our community.

About the Survey:
This is a two-part survey to collect detailed information from residents about their experiences and perspectives.

Part 1:
Focuses on identifying issues and opportunities within the Southeast and Southwest areas. - Now through February 10
Part 2: Will Focus on topics that emerge from Part 1 responses. - Coming Spring 2025

Why Your Participation Matters:
Your feedback is crucial in shaping a plan that accurately represents the needs of your community. By participating in this survey, you contribute to the future of your neighborhood.

Survey Details:

Who Should Fill Out This Survey?
This survey should be completed by any household members who are 18 years of age or older.

How to Participate:
A random sample of households has been selected to receive this survey. If you have received it, we encourage you to participate.
To find more information about the Southeast and Southwest Area Plans and to sign up for email notifications, please visit the project websites.
Southeast Area Plan
Southwest Area Plan

Contact Information:
For any questions or further information, please contact us at:

Email: or

Phone: 608-266-4635

Section A: Tell us about yourself
Tell us a little about yourself. Your responses help ensure we reach people from different backgrounds. As with all the questions in this survey, your answers are confidential.
1.How long have you lived at your current residence?
2.Do you own or rent your home or residence?
3.What is your gender?
4.What is your age in years?
5.Are you Hispanic/Latinx?
6.Which of the following best describes your race? (Please check (√) one or more)
7.What is your approximate combined annual household income?
8.What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? (Please check (√) one. If you are currently enrolled, check the previous grade or degree you have completed.)
9.How many people are in your household, including all adults and children?
Section B: Community Characteristics

For the next question, please refer to the following maps that show the boundaries for the Southeast Area and Southwest Area.
Planning Framework
The Southeast Planning Area is bounded by Interstate 39/90 to the east, Sigglekow Road and the Village of McFarland to the south, and Starkweather Creek and the City of Monona to the west and Highway 30 to the north.

Southeast Area Plan
The Southwest Planning Area is bounded by the Beltline to the north and northeast, the City of Fitchburg to the south and southeast, and S. High Point Road to the west.

Southwest Area Plan
10.Check which area you live in/are affiliated with.
11.What is your zip code?
12.What factors are important to your decision to live in your neighborhood?
Yes, Important
No, Not Important
Ability to age in place (stay in neighborhood as you age)
Availability of affordable housing that meets your needs
Job opportunities
Quality of schools
Close to your daily needs, groceries, pharmacies, shopping etc
Safety of the neighborhood
Access to public transit and bike paths
Parks and recreation opportunities/facilities
Section C: Infrastructure and Public Services
Land Use and Transportation-Related Topics
13.How do you usually get from your home to work? If you’re not currently working, are retired, or work from home please skip questions 13. (Please check (√) all that apply.)
14.How do you usually get from your home to other locations, such as grocery stores, the post office, and schools within the city? (Please check (√) all that apply.)
15.In the last twelve months, how many times per month have you used the Metro Transit (Bus)?
16.How important are the following transportation choices in your daily life?
Not at all Important
Slightly Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Extremely Important
Bus for commuting to school or work
Transit access (such as Amtrak, Greyhound Bus, Transit Service) to other major cities, such as Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Chicago
Access to pedestrian and bicycle facilities
Bike share (BCycle)
Taxi, Commercial App (Uber or Lyft)
Neighborhoods and Housing-Related Topics
17.Which of the following housing types have you ever lived in?
Apartment Building/Condominium
Townhouse or Duplex
Single Family Home
Shared Housing, such as a Housing Cooperative
18.How important are the following housing needs to you?
Not at all Important
Slightly Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Extremely Important
Living in a neighborhood where you can access resources needed for daily living, like groceries, pharmacies, job opportunities, schools
Living in a neighborhood with a variety of housing types and sizes where you can age in place
Increasing the amount of affordable housing in your neighborhood, including subsidized housing
Economy and Opportunity-Related Topics
19.How important are the following economic goals to you?
Not at all Important
Slightly Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Extremely Important
Support growth of existing employers and businesses
Attract new employers and businesses
Ensure a supply of available sites for new businesses and employers to operate
Support small employers and businesses and entrepreneurship
Culture and Character
20.How important are the following aspects to maintaining your neighborhood’s unique culture and character?
Not at all Important
Slightly Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Extremely Important
Neighborhood festivals, farmers markets, and other special events
Reflecting racially and ethnically diverse cultures and histories
The mix of cultural events and entertainment venues
Public art and creative activities in your neighborhood
Natural Resources, Parks, and Recreation
21.How important are the following factors to you for living in a healthy neighborhood?
Not at all Important
Slightly Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Extremely Important
Improving the quality of water in our lakes and streams
Use of energy-efficient technology and renewable energy
Nearby park facilities that offer a range of activities and community events
Protecting wildlife and nature through connected green spaces and habitats
Growing and maintaining a healthy variety of trees
Reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfills
Reducing the potential for flooding of streets and buildings
Government and Public Services
22.How important are the following government services for enhancing the quality of life in your neighborhood?
Not at all Important
Slightly Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Extremely Important
Nearby Community facilities (such as libraries, and brush drop off sites)
Fire and Police services
Communicating with nearby cities, villages, and towns to manage growth
Guiding new development to areas that can be served more easily/less costly
Improving access to government agencies and services. (language translation and interpretation, virtual meetings,, more online tools or apps to answer questions, pay bills, get permits, and report problems)
Quality non-emergency services, like garbage, recycling, and street sweeping
Section D: Engagement with Planning Processes
23.What would make it easier and more accessible for you to participate in the planning process? For instance, offering more virtual meetings, holding meetings closer to your location, and scheduling meetings during the day.
24.Anything we didn’t ask that you want to tell us about issues and ideas about your neighborhood?
25.To keep updated with the latest news of the area plan, please provide your email address. Your answers to this survey will still be anonymous even if you provide your email address.