Question Title

* 1. Gender

Please answer the questions to best reflect your assessment of the training course. Your response will assist in determining what modifications should be made to strengthen the course.

Please choose the number that best reflects your assessment using a rating scale from 5-1; where 5 = strongly agree and 1= strongly disagree.

Question Title

* 2. Training Workshop/Session

  Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
1. The training objectives were clearly identified and met
2. The training was relevant to my work
3. The training duration was sufficient to meet the training objectives
4. The training in general was well organized
5. I anticipate sharing my learning with my colleagues
6. I plan to implement relevant sections in my job
7. The material/ content was clear and easy to follow
8. The material/ content was comprehensive
9. The activities were engaging 
10. The activities supported the knowledge sharing  

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* 3. Facilitator

  Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
1. The facilitator was knowledgeable about the training topics
2. The facilitator was well prepared for the training
3. The facilitator encouraged active participation
4. The facilitator answered questions in a complete and clear manner
5. The facilitator used a variety of training methods

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* 4. Knowledge: Prior to the training course

  No knowledge at all
Basic knowledge
Moderate knowledge
Very good knowledge
Excellent knowledge
1- Increase participants’ awareness and understanding of the critical role of TOC in articulating how activities will lead to the desired outcomes.
2- Improve participants’ knowledge of the steps needed to develop a robust TOC, and then use it as a learning and “Pause and Reflect” tool.
3- Strengthen the ability of MEL and technical staff to lead and facilitate the process of articulating a TOC and developing a final TOC.

Question Title

* 5. Knowledge: After the training course

  No knowledge at all
Basic knowledge
Moderate knowledge
Very good knowledge
Excellent knowledge
1- Increase participants’ awareness and understanding of the critical role of TOC in articulating how activities will lead to the desired outcomes.
2- Improve participants’ knowledge of the steps needed to develop a robust TOC, and then use it as a learning and “Pause and Reflect” tool.
3- Strengthen the ability of MEL and technical staff to lead and facilitate the process of articulating a TOC and developing a final TOC.

Question Title

* 6. Overall Rating of the Training Course

  Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
1. The overall quality of the training course was excellent
2. The training course was useful in providing a Theory of Change 

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* 7. After attending the training, do you think the training content is: 

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* 8. Would you like to receive a one-on-one session on this topic? if yes, please send an email to

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* 9. Name one thing you will change or introduce as a professional in the workplace, if any, as a result of the training? (Open-ended)

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* 10. Would you like to suggest any additional training topics in the future?