Grow Remote Survey

We're a community project on a mission to enable us to work, live and participate locally. Over the past few weeks, we've seen a sharp rise in the volume of people looking to move to regional and rural locations. We want to help.

Over the next few weeks our local community leaders will be hosting online 'Town Taster' events, acting as a concierge service to help you experience what it's like to live in their community. 

Ahead of that, we'd like to know what information you're interested in, so that we can best help.

A huge thank you to the communties donating their time to this project. 

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* 1. Which counties in the Republic of Ireland are you willing to move to?

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* 2. What salary would you be looking for?

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* 3. Can you tell us a little about what matters to you most in your new role?

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* 4. What area do you work in?

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* 5. Is remote working in Ireland of interest to you? ( Working from your own home or co-location with other employees)

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* 6. What's the biggest blocker to getting you working remotely?

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* 7. Which of these best describes you?

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* 8. Do you require a work permit?

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* 9. Can you rank the things that matter most when choosing a new community to live in?

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* 10. Please provide us with your name and email if you'd like to attend Town Tasters