US TAG TC276 Participant Membership and Membership Renewal |
US TAG Participant Membership and Membership Renewal
Please complete this form to become a new member or edit your information as an existing member of the US TAG to ISO/TC276 Biotechnology.
All who successfully complete this application will become members of the US TAG (Technical Advisory Group) to ISO/TC276 Biotechnology. This group may also be referred to as the US Mirror Committee.
Each member must join at least one WG (working group) below (and may join any/all groups desired).
1. SC1 Analytic Methods
WG1 Gene delivery
WG2 Cell characterization
WG3 Nucleic acid characterization
2. WG1 Terminology: WG1 projects will be covered under the other teams, so no group is to be formed specifically for this WG (ad-hoc meetings will be called when needed—members of any group would be welcome at these meetings).
WG1 Gene delivery
WG2 Cell characterization
WG3 Nucleic acid characterization
2. WG1 Terminology: WG1 projects will be covered under the other teams, so no group is to be formed specifically for this WG (ad-hoc meetings will be called when needed—members of any group would be welcome at these meetings).
3. WG2 Biobanking & bioresources
WG2.1 Human biospecimens
WG2.2 Non-human biospecimens
4. WG4 Bioprocessing (all projects)
5. WG5 Data processing & integration (all projects)
6. WG6 Nucleic acid- and protein-based devices
7. TC34/SC16/JWG11 Biobanking for agriculture and food production (Joint working group between TC276 and TC34)