Question Title

* 1. What age group do you belong to?

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate your area of residence:

Question Title

* 3. Do you belong to any organizations (i.e. hospital, school operators, ministry, etc)
and if so, please identify?

Question Title

* 4. How long have you lived, worked in, or operated a business in Terrace Bay?

Question Title

* 5. What do you think makes Terrace Bay a great place to live? (Select your top 5)

Question Title

* 6. How important are the following local government services to your household?
(Please rank each service)

  Not Important Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
Recreation, leisure & special community events/programs
Arts, culture & heritage opportunities
Library services & programs
Parks, trails, playgrounds, open spaces and waterfront
Building services and bylaw enforcement
Police, fire and emergency services
Maintenance of public property
Safe & well-maintained roads & sidewalks
Economic investment (business retention & attraction, local jobs, mill)
Communication from the municipality
Hospital and access to doctors
Garbage & recycling collection
Clean energy initiatives

Question Title

* 7. Which of the following issues/challenges do you think need to be addressed during this Council term? (Select your top 5)

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* 8. Which communication methods would prefer to use to learn about Township issues/events/initiatives? (Select your top 2)

Question Title

* 9. Every year, the municipality must decide what capital projects to complete.
Select the top 5 projects you would like the Township invest your tax dollars on this term of Council.

Question Title

* 10. Considering the Township of Terrace Bay for each of the following services, identify what you would like to see happen?: (Please comment on each service)

spending & level of service
spending and level of service
spending & level of service
Recreation, leisure & special community events/programs
Library services & programs
Parks, trails, playgrounds, open space and waterfront
Maintenance of public property
Safe & well-maintained roads & sidewalks
Economic Investment (business retention & attraction, local jobs, mill stability)
Communication from the municipality
Providing training for youth retention and workforce development
Garbage & recycling collection