We first surveyed members of the Talent Brand Alliance in 2019. Since then, TBA has grown, and our talent brand profession has evolved. We think it's time to check in with our members and non-members in our field, with a similar survey, 20 questions that shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to complete.

This survey is not anonymous, but remember that TBA is a safe space to share, and we will make sure all respondent information is kept confidential.

To show our appreciation for your time, each member who completes the survey will get a copy of the data analysis.  In addition, those who complete this survey by September 1st will have a chance to win one of two free in-person Summit tickets ($1,899 value).

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your email:

Question Title

* 3. Where are you based?

Question Title

* 4. Are you a practitioner in EB/RM? (For background, we consider a practitioner as someone who is focused on talent engagement, telling their company or client's employee experience story, including roles such as: Talent Acquisition Leaders | Employer Brand Leaders | Recruitment Marketers | Recruitment Media Managers | Employer Brand Consultants | Employee Experience Managers | Internal Communications | HR Managers | Recruiting Program Managers.)  Please only complete this survey if you currently work in a Talent Brand focused position.