Aronga | Purpose

Kia ora,

This survey is for people 18 years and over, who whakapapa to Taranaki Iwi (Taranaki Tuturu).  It’s a voluntary survey, however, your feedback will help shape the mahi we do to implement  the Te Kāhui o Taranaki 5-year Strategic Plan.  Please complete as much of the survey as you feel comfortable. If you’re filling out the survey for others in your household, please make sure you have their permission before providing their personal information.

Your personal information will be collected and held by Te Kāhui o Taranaki in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.  Giving your information to us also means you authorise the release of, and use of, your personal information to our kaimahi (staff). If you wish to gain access to your personal information, or need to correct it, please email us at

Also, if there are people in your whānau who have not received this survey but would like to participate, they can phone or email us to request a hardcopy of the survey, complete the survey over the phone or a link to the survey can be found on our Facebook page and website.

Thank you for taking the time to share your whakaaro with us.

Ngā mihi

Question Title

* 1. This survey is intended for Taranaki Iwi (Taranaki Tuturu) uri/descendants aged 18 and over. Are you an uri of Taranaki Iwi?