This form is intended to collect updated information from all current TAP Network Partners, including on TAP Partners' basic information, and sharing of your organization's most recent and updated work and ambitions to advance SDG16+ and SDG accountability. 

Through this mandatory update, we are asking all current TAP Network Members to fill out a form to remain as a TAP Network Partner by no later than Monday, 24 May 2021.

Sharing this updated information will be critically important for the TAP Network's work to build out a comprehensive TAP Partners Platform, which will facilitate and enhance engagement amongst TAP Partners going forward. It will also be important for highlighting and showcasing the work of TAP Partner organizations overall, and will contribute significantly to TAP's ongoing "Storytelling" efforts to showcase the great work of TAP organizations going forward. As we develop this updated TAP Partner Platform, each of TAP Partner will have their own TAP Partner page, where organizations can showcase various opportunities for engagement and partnership, as well as key resources or advocacy materials that you’d like to share with fellow Partners or an external audience. Therefore, we hope that you’ll see this TAP Partner Update as a useful opportunity for you to fully update and showcase your organization’s work going forward.

In addition to our ongoing work to improve platforms and opportunities that are exclusive only to TAP Network Partners, a friendly reminder that retaining your status as a TAP Partner will include the following benefits:

- Exclusive access to TAP funding for national and regional workshops, as available
- Exclusive access to TAP funding for travel, as available
- Exclusive access to voting on TAP Steering Committee and other ballots
- Leadership opportunities, such as “focal points”, “advisory groups”, or any other TAP Coordination or Engagement mechanisms
- Your organization’s work and commitments will be showcased on TAP’s website and on any future information sharing platforms
- Ability to contribute to any TAP resources developed
- Opportunity for your organization to be showcased in TAP’s ongoing “Storytelling” efforts
- Your organization can use TAP “partner” status for promotion/outreach

For more information on becoming a TAP Network Partner, visit our website at, or contact John Romano, TAP Network Coordinator at
Updating your Organization's TAP Partner Information: 
Basic Information:

Question Title

* 1. Organization Name:

Question Title

* 2. Organization website:

Question Title

* 3. Organization Region: (Select all regions that your organization focuses/operates within)
(This information will be used for TAP's Regional Engagement Platforms)

Question Title

* 5. Organization City/Locality:

Question Title

* 6. Operating Languages: (please select all that apply)

Question Title

* 7. Twitter and/or other Social Media Handles:

Question Title

* 8. Please broadly describe your organization’s mission and work (no more than 500 characters):

Organization’s contacts:

Question Title

* 9. Primary Contact name:

Question Title

* 10. Primary Contact title:

Question Title

* 11. Primary Contact Email:

Question Title

* 12. Additional contacts' names & email addresses: (please include any/all colleagues that you would like to add to the TAP Network listservs from your organization)

Organization’s Work & Expertise:

Question Title

* 13. Your Organization's SDG16 Expertise: (select all that apply)
(This will help us identify and bring together experts working around specific SDG16 targets going forward)

Question Title

* 14. Organization's Areas of Expertise: (select all that apply)
(This information will be used to help bring partners together that work on similar TAP issues, and may be used to establish TAP Thematic Working Groups going forward)

Reporting on your organization's current "Commitment"

Question Title

* 15. Please provide any updates/report on your current "commitment" submitted in your original TAP Partner Application (Maximum 5,000 characters):
(You can find the original commitment your organization made as a TAP Partner in the google doc here)

Outlining your New "Commitment" as a TAP Network Partner: 
Please provide details on how your organization is looking to advance SDG16+ and SDG accountability in 2021-2022. This will be important for the TAP Network to showcase the work of your organization very concretely, and to identify areas for future work as a network, or between partners working on specific issues. 

What kinds of commitments are expected of TAP Network Partners?

TAP Network Partners are expected to outline their commitment to implementing SDG16 or towards accountability for the 2030 Agenda more broadly. These commitments should be clear and succinct and have very clear objectives and outputs/deliverables. The more specific organizations can be when submitting commitments, the stronger the commitment and subsequent follow-up will be. Since these commitments will be showcased publicly, it is important to highlight the great work and realistic but lofty ambitions of your organization, and to clearly outline how you will go about implementing this commitment. Again, this commitment should outline your organization’s commitment to SDG16 and the 2030 Agenda itself, and not your work with the TAP Network more specifically. It is also important for these commitments to fit the S.M.A.R.T. criteria: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

Question Title

* 16. Please provide a BRIEF summary of your commitment (maximum 500 characters):
(This should be a succinct overview of your overall commitment that can be easily communicated.) 

Question Title

* 17. Please outline your organization’s priorities and work in relation to your commitment in greater detail (maximum 5,000 characters)
(This should provide any details you'd like to include about your commitment, including your objectives, work plan, timeline or even a theory of change. This will be an important opportunity to share and showcase your work with your fellow partners and external stakeholders) 

Question Title

* 18. How does the work of your organization relate to the TAP Network's work related to SDG16+ and Accountability for the 2030 Agenda? Please be as specific as possible, and outline how you see your organization contributing to TAP's work on these areas, where possible.

Question Title

* 19. How do you plan on engaging in TAP’s work as a Partner?

Question Title

* 20. Please submit your logo, which will be used to showcase your organization’s work and commitment on your organization's TAP Partner page on the TAP Network website:

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 21. Please upload any relevant documents, reports, photos or other resources that you'd like to feature and showcase on your organization's Partner Page on the TAP Network website:

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 22. I understand and consent that the information collected in this survey can be used by the TAP Network Secretariat to help facilitate and coordinate TAP Partners' engagement in TAP's work going forward, and that it will be shared on the TAP Network website to showcase my organization's work and TAP commitment. I also understand that I am expected to report on progress my organization has made towards these commitments regularly, and provide updates as necessary. 

Question Title

* 23. Do you have any additional feedback regarding how the TAP Network can further enhance engagement between and amongst TAP Network Partners?