Please designate a Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Grant Program (TAP) Coordinator, who will be the main contact person at your school for all questions or communications with Fulcrum concerning TAP. For some schools, the principal is the sole TAP Coordinator. For others, multiple people at a school are designated as TAP Coordinators. You must provide contact information for at least one Coordinator at your school.

TAP Coordinators are integral to Fulcrum’s success in administering TAP. The main responsibilities of the TAP Coordinator include:
                           * Ensuring that all families that should apply, do apply
                           * Answering basic questions about the program and directing parents to
                             either Fulcrum or FACTS for further information as needed
                           * Verifying enrollment of those students awarded Fulcrum tuition assistance
                           * Providing information to Fulcrum on families as needed

Thank you for partnering with Fulcrum in our mission to make Catholic education accessible to families in need and for your diligence in helping administer this program throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle.

Question Title

* 1. School Name and City

Question Title

* 2. TAP Coordinator #1

Question Title

* 3. TAP Coordinator #2

Question Title

* 4. TAP Coordinator #3

Question Title

* 5. TAP Coordinator #4