Get Involved in 2019 Question Title * 1. To get started, please provide your contact information. Name Organization Email Address Question Title * 2. How are you interested in getting involved? (Select all that apply) Joining a TAG Committee Doing a Lightning Talk at TAG2019 Presenting a Session at TAG2019 Becoming a sponsor for TAG2019 Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. If you'd like to VOLUNTEER, tell us more about yourself. What are you most interested in doing with the TAG community? (Select all that apply) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Graphic or Web Design Facilitation Cyber Security Event Planning IT Strategy Social Media / Online Engagement Data Analysis Knowledge Management Writing / Editing Mentoring Data Visualization Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. If you'd like to PRESENT at TAG2019, what topics are you interested in presenting? (Enter only those that apply) Session Lightning Talk Other Concept Thank you for your interest in supporting the TAG community. We will follow up on your interest in January, 2019.If you have questions or comments, please contact Send Now