Question Title

* Name:

Question Title

* District:

Question Title

* I was able to find topic sessions relevant to my current interests and responsibilities

Question Title

* Eric Munoz’s session “Is it 'Construction' or 'Maintenance'” was informative and enjoyable.

Question Title

* Comments regarding the speaker and/or topic:

Question Title

* Debbie Townsend's session "Auditing the Project" was informative and enjoyable.

Question Title

* Comments regarding the speaker and/or topic:

Question Title

* David Hansen's session "Daddy, where do change orders come from?” was informative and enjoyable.

Question Title

* Comments regarding the speaker and/or topic:

Question Title

* Jamie Spiegel's session "Advanced JOCs" was informative and enjoyable.

Question Title

* Comments regarding the speaker and/or topic:

Question Title

* Operations Concurrent Sessions - The session was informative and enjoyable.

  1 - Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 - Strongly Agree
Construction Documentation: Preventing Defects - David Hansen
Construction Documentation: Warranties - David Hansen
Unforeseen Conditions - Eric Munoz

Question Title

* Comments regarding the speaker and/or topic:

Question Title

* Finance Concurrent Sessions - The session was informative and enjoyable.

  1 - Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 - Strongly Agree
Bond Claims - Trey Nesloney
"Small" projects: Scoreboards/AG Barns/Turf/Fields - Eric Muñoz
Real Estate Issues: Easements, etc. - Darryl Pruett

Question Title

* Comments regarding the speaker and/or topic:

Question Title

* Darryl Pruett and David Hansen's session on "Construction Defects” was informative and enjoyable.

Question Title

* Comments regarding the speaker and/or topic:

Question Title

* What motivated you to attend this conference? (Select all the apply)

Question Title

* In your opinion, what was the high point of this day?

Question Title

* What could have been done to make this day more effective?

Question Title

* Suggested topics for future conferences:

Question Title

* We invite any further comments you may have about this training, materials, presenters or facility: