TAC1 ACC-AHA Blood pressure categories with adverse outcomes in first half of pregnancy
TAC2 Hooper A - Does adding hydroxychloroquine improve live birth in APLab syndrome
TAC3 EASL Guidelines on liver disease in pregnancy
TAC4 Pachariyanon P - Long term outcomes of women with PPCMP having subsequent pregnancies
TAC5 Wiegers H - Incidence and prog of SVT during preg and PP.
TAC6 Bistervels IM - Intermediate dose vs low dose LMWH in preg and PP women with history of VTE RCT
TAC7 Kitt J - Long term BP control after HTN pregnancy following physician optimized self management
TAC8 Bartal MF - Oral combined HCTZ and Lisinopril vs nefidipine for PP HTN RCT
TAC9 Tangren J - Prepregnancy GFR and risk of adverse maternal and fetal outcomes
TAC10 Lailler G - Recurrence of HTN disorders of pregnancy results from nationwide prospective cohort