Thank you for connecting with the Strengthen the Evidence project for technical assistance (TA). We appreciate your involvement and would like to follow-up with you to see if we are able to better support your TA needs. Please take a few minutes to complete our questionnaire.

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* 1. Overall rate how impactful your TA experience was with the Strengthen the Evidence project.

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* 2. Indicate your level of agreement with the following statements related to TA received with the Strengthen the Evidence project:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
I have been able to apply knowledge I learned from the TA interaction into my daily work
Since receiving TA, I have experienced successes that have led to the implementation of new goals
I have support in my place of work to implement lessons learned from the TA interaction
I have experienced continued momentum to apply the new knowledge I gained from the TA interaction

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* 3. Have you experienced any changes in behavior and/or practices as a result of the TA interaction?

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* 3a. If yes, describe the changes in behavior and/or practices below.

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* 4. Have you achieved targeted outcomes as a result of the TA interaction?

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* 4a. If yes, describe achieved targeted outcomes below.

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* 5. If applicable, how useful were the TA resources/materials for your work?

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* 6. Please share any additional comments, questions or suggestions for improvement.