UNLOCKING ASSESSMENT VIDEO SERIES Thank you for watching Unlocking Assessment, an NBME student video series. Let us know what you think by answering the questions below. Question Title * 1. Which video did you watch most recently? Obstetrics and Gynecology Gastrointestinal System Neurology Endocrinology Pediatric Infectious Disease Neurology and Neuroscience Item Analysis Explained Immunology Acid-Base Physiology Neuroanatomy Question Title * 2. Please state your level of agreement with each of the following statements. Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree This student video was informative This student video was informative Strongly Disagree This student video was informative Somewhat Disagree This student video was informative Neither Agree Nor Disagree This student video was informative Somewhat Agree This student video was informative Strongly Agree This student video was helpful This student video was helpful Strongly Disagree This student video was helpful Somewhat Disagree This student video was helpful Neither Agree Nor Disagree This student video was helpful Somewhat Agree This student video was helpful Strongly Agree The format of this student video worked well The format of this student video worked well Strongly Disagree The format of this student video worked well Somewhat Disagree The format of this student video worked well Neither Agree Nor Disagree The format of this student video worked well Somewhat Agree The format of this student video worked well Strongly Agree Done